Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 20: Eating Cleaner

Breakfast: breakfast burrito, whole grain wheat tortilla, eggs, bacon, and salsa.

Mid morning snack:  banana with 1 tablespoon almond butter

Lunch: grilled chicken salad, with baby spring mix, tomatoes, crunchy Asian noodles, and fat free thousand island dressing.

Mid afternoon snack:  Preztzels and Hummus

Dinner:  Left over carna asada.  Whole wheat tortilla, guacamole, and spinach.  Side salad with tomatoes and fat free Italian dressing.

Exercise of the Day:  

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day 19: Eating Cleaner

I know I made excuses after excuses of why I couldn't make it to the gym.  I was too busy, too tired, I worked full time and had a new baby.  But finally I made the decision I was going to get healthy and start exercising again.  I knew sitting at home and making excuses was going to get me nowhere. 

Breakfast: whole wheat wrap with egg, bacon and salsa.  A side of fresh fruit.

Mid morning Snack: 

Lunch:  Baby spring mix with grilled chicken, tomatoes, and cucumbers.
Fat Free Italian dressing.

Mid Afternoon snack: Apple with 1 Tablespoon Almond butter.

Dinner: Baked shrimp, roasted red potatoes, and sautéed squash and onions.

Exercise of the day:  5k run

Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 18: Eating Cleaner

I apologize, I didn't do very good on taking pictures today.  It was hectic, with a sick toddler and doctors appointments.  But at least I stayed on track! :)

Breakfast: Omelet with bacon, tomatoes, jalapeños, and salsa

Mid morning snack: Banana with 1 tablespoon almond butter

Lunch:  Leftovers from last night. Carne Asada tacos and side salad.

Mid afternoon snack:  Hummus and pretzels

Dinner: Baby mix greens, with grilled chicken, tomatoes, chick peas, and crunchy Asian noodles.

Exercise of the day:  10 rounds of 200m run, 10 calf raises & 10 squats

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 17: Eating Cleaner

Don't try to change all your bad eating habits at once.  Overtime limit your sugar intake, sodas, sweets, etc and you will start to notice how good your body feels without it.

Breakfast:  2 scrambled eggs and fresh fruit

Mid morning snack: Apple with 1 tablespoon almond butter

Lunch: Grilled hamburger on wheat bun. Opt for mustard instead of mayo. 

Mid afternoon snack: 1/2 avocado and sunflower seeds

Dinner:  New recipe alert!!!  I got this from the gym I go to nutrition website.  Super easy and taste great.

Crock Pot Recipe: Carne Asada

1 tablespoon garlic pepper
1 teaspoon garlic salt
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon adobo seasoning
2 teaspoons sea or Himalayan salt 
2-3 Pounds of flank steak

In a small bowl combine all the seasonings. generously coat all sides of the flank steak

Place in crock pot, cover and cook on low for 8-10 hours. Shred the meat prior to serving. 

*Recipe from "Paleo Slow Cooking Gluten Free Recipes made Simple" By Chrissy Gower

Wrap in a whole wheat tortilla with guacamole and serve with a side salad.

Exercise of the day:  Rest


Day 16: Eating Cleaner

I did not do very good.  We were on the road for a total of 7 hours today and I was not prepared!  I did have my Spark so that helped me stay awake on our road trip.

Breakfast:  2 scrambled eggs and 3 pieces of bacon

Mid-morning Snack: Nature Valley Protein Bar

Lunch:  bad bad bad...  I completely gave in to the temptation.  Chick-fil-a chicken sandwich.  I did do better than I normally would have.  I ordered with no cheese and no French fries.  That should count for something right!!

Mid-Afternoon Snack:  Handful of Almonds

Dinner: Homemade hamburger on whole wheat bun and roasted red potatoes.

Exercise of the day:  one mile run plus the workout below! 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Day 15: Eating Cleaner

Give it your all..  Push yourself to the limit  at each workout!  I promise you won't regret it!  

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs and fresh fruit.

Mid-Morning Snack: Nature Valley Protein Bar

Lunch:  Wheat tortilla, with hummus, grilled chicken, spinach, and salsa.  I love putting hummus in my wraps.  It helps me not miss my cheese so much!

Mid-Afternoon Snack: Handful of almonds

Dinner: My cheat meal of the week.  Fresh caught catfish.  2 pieces of fried catfish and handful of tator tots.
It's ok to have a cheat meal not cheat meals!! :)

Exercise of the day:

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Day 14: Eating Cleaner

Love this quote!!!

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs and 3 pieces of bacon

Mid-morning snack:  Honeycrisp Apple with 1 tablespoon almond butter

Lunch:  baby spring mix, with chicken, chickpeas, crunchy Asian noodles, fat free thousand island and pickled okra.

Mid Afternoon Snack:  handful of almonds

Dinner: Again, I don't mind leftovers! Grilled salmon, creamed spinach, and rotini with mixed vegetables.

Exercise of the Day:  400m run, 25 jumping jacks, 25 mountain climbers, 25 push ups, 25 single unders, 25 burpees, 25 sit ups, 400m run

Day 13: Eating Cleaner

We may not always be able to make it to the gym, but we do always have a choice of what we eat!

Breakfast:  Omelet with bacon, tomatoes, jalapeños, and salsa.

Mid-morning snack:  Honeycrisp Apple with 1 tablespoon almond butter.

Lunch:  Last night as we were grilling our salmon we also grilled some chicken breast for the week. So for lunch I had chicken and steam-able rotini and broccoli with light cheese sauce. 

Mid-afternoon snack:  I love these individual portioned humus snacks!

Dinner:  Steak Pinwheel stuffed with spinach, roasted red peppers, and Swiss cheese.  These are super easy.  They are pre-made at the grocery store.  All you have to do is preheat oven and bake. Along with this I had steam-able roasted red potatoes and sugar snap peas, with a side salad.

Exercise of the day: Run/Walk 3 miles.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day 12: Eating Cleaner

Make a change to better yourself for yourself!

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs and 3 pieces of bacon

Mid-morning snack: Banana with 1tablespoon of almond butter

Lunch:  Mixed greens topped with chicken, grapes, dried cranberries, artichokes, sunflower seeds, and feta cheese.  Fat free Italian dressing.

Mid -Afternoon Snack: Apple and almonds

Dinner:  Grilled Salmon and vegetable kabobs.

Exercise of the Day:  3 rounds of 400m run, 30 jumping jacks, 20 lunges each leg, and 10 push ups

Monday, April 21, 2014

Day 11: Eating Cleaner with the AdvoCare 24 Day challenge

Why eat healthy...  Because it just feels good!  I have felt so much better over the past few weeks while eating cleaner.  I am not near as sluggish, my energy level is higher, and my whole attitude has been more positive.  So, no I don't feel like I am missing out when I don't go for that fresh hot doughnut in the lounge.  

Breakfast:  Omelet with bacon, tomatoes, jalapeños, and salsa.

Mid-morning snack:  Nature Valley Protein Bar

Lunch:  I went to the Green Leaf Grill with a friend.  They offer many healthy  choices and use fresh local ingredients.  We had their Rosemary pork chop with, steamed broccoli, and snow peas.  

Mid-Afternoon Snack: Handful of Almonds and Grape Spark for a little energy.

Dinner:  Portobello mushroom Pizza, topped with seasoned deer meat, turkey pepperoni, tablespoon of pizza sauce, and low fat mozzarella cheese, with a side salad.  I have been wanting to try this recipe for awhile and I loved it. 

Here is the how to for the portobello pizza.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place mushroom on a baking sheet with stem removed and cook for 10 minutes.  Remove from oven and top with pizza sauce and toppings and bake for another 10 minutes.  

Exercise of the day:  3 rounds of 200m run, 10 dips, 10 push ups, and 15 squats Followed by 50 sit-ups, 50 burpees, 50 sit-ups 100 single unders

Friday, April 18, 2014

Challenge Accepted!

Why would I stop when I have worked so hard over the past 10 days to change my eating habits.  Just because the cleanse is over doesn't mean I can go out and indulge now.  The cleanse was a jump start to get me in the habit of eating right and feeling good.  So now what..  I will keep doing what I've been doing over the past 10 days.  
I have accepted to take the next step and continue on with the 24 day challenge. For those of you who want to start with me.  I will begin Monday April 21.  I  will not do the cleanse portion of the 24 day challenge since I just completed it. It is only recommended to do the cleanse every 90 days . However, I will continue to eat cleaner, train harder, and become stronger!!  

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Results Are In!

I have completed my AdvoCare 10 day Herbal Cleanse. Here are the results, what I gained from the cleanse, and what my next step will be.

I lost 4lbs, gained lean muscle mass,  energy and a new sense of well being.  I jump started my weight loss and learned how to eat cleaner.

My next step is to continue on with the 24 day challenge  and my daily workout regiment.
For those of you who want to start with me. I will begin Monday April 21. I will not do the cleanse portion of the 24 day challenge since I just completed it. It is only recommended to do the cleanse every 90 days . However, I will continue to eat cleaner, train harder, and become stronger!! 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day 10: AdvoCare 10 Day Herbal Cleanse

This is the last day of my cleanse. But I am not stopping here. Tomorrow, I will post my results, what I got out of the 10 day cleanse, and what my next goal is. We should all have short and long term goals, and we should never think of it as a diet, but a lifestyle change!

Day 10: Fiber drink

Breakfast: Egg, broccoli, and rotel bake.

Mid-morning snack: banana and 1 tablespoon of almond butter

Lunch: It's all about making smart, healthy choices.  I had my lunch all prepared and I walked out the door and left it on the kitchen counter this morning.  So, off to the cafeteria I went.  I was tempted by the smell of pizza, burgers, and Mexican food.  But I made a smart healthy decision and got a small mixed green salad, topped with diced chicken, dried cranberries, and tomotoes.  I opted for the fat free raspberry vinaigrette .  I noticed it had 7g of sugar in it so I only put 1/3 of the packet on my salad.  With my salad I had a cup of chicken and  green chili soup. 

Mid-afternoon snack: beef jerky and handful of almonds

Dinner:  Grilled chicken breast, brussel sprouts, and left over potato, green bean, and sugar snap pea medley.

Exercise: 3 rounds of 25 squats, 25 sit ups, 25 good mornings, 25 dips.  300 single unders.

Day 9: AdvoCare 10 Day Herbal Cleanse

Day 9:   I think I am starting to get used to this fiber drink.  I mixed it up all by itself this morning.  It really isn't all that bad.  Almost, done with the cleanse phase and I am feeling great.

Breakfast:  Breakfast casserole with eggs, broccoli, and rotel.

Mid-morning snack: Banana with 1 tablespoon almond butter

Lunch: Newk's Favorite Fresh Tossed Salad. Mixes greens, freshly grilled chicken, Gorgonzola cheese, dried cranberries, grapes, artichoke hearts, and pecans with Newk's Sherry Vinaigrette.  See you can still go out to eat and eat healthy.

Mid-afternoon snack:  beef jerky and almonds

Dinner:  Baked shrimp seasoned in old bay wrapped in pre-cooked Bacon, with a side salad, and steam fresh rotini and vegetables.

Exercise of the day: 2 rounds of 75 jumping jacks, 50 lunges each leg, 25 sit-ups.  Go for a run/walk if it's pretty out.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day 8: AdvoCare 10 Day Herbal Cleanse

A friend of mine posted this on Instagram. Loved it and wanted to share!

Fiber Drink: On Day 8-10 you start back on the fiber drink first thing in the morning.

Breakfast: Breakfast burrito.  Wheat tortilla, eggs, bacon, and salsa. I put salsa on just about everything.  It is a lower calorie dressing/sauce.

Mid-morning snack: Banana and 1 tablespoon almond butter

Lunch:  Wheat tortilla pizza with ground sirloin, and low fat cheese, with a side salad. Lightly drizzle olive oil on your tortilla and bake on 425 for about 8 minutes or until crisp.  I placed mine on a pizza stone. Then add pizza sauce and toppings.  I like to limit my cheese, so I only added a small amount. Put back in oven and broil on hi until cheese has melted.  This is a great alternative when you are craving pizza!

Mid-afternoon snack: beef jerky

Dinner:  Sautéed chicken breast in olive oil and minced garlic.  Steam-able broccoli and potato, green bean, and sugar snap pea medley.

I added my left over broccoli and a can of drained rotel to 8 beaten eggs.  Put in 9x9 dish and bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes or until egg is done.  This will be my breakfast for the next week.

Exercise of the day:  Rest

Day 7: AdvoCare 10 Day Herbal Cleanse

Day 7:

Breakfast: 2 Eggs and 2 pieces of Bacon

Mid-morning snack- Apple with 1 tablespoon almond butter

Lunch:  Burrito with taco meat made from ground deer meat and salsa and a side salad. Coming from a family that likes to hunt, we use ground deer meat a lot with our burritos.  You can use it in place of ground beef in any of your recipes.  Deer is a very lean source of protein.  

Mid-afternoon snack:  banana with 1 tablespoon almond butter

Dinner:  I had to be really strong with dinner tonight.  We boiled some crawfish and had a few friends over.  So I knew there would be lots of yummy snacks to tempt me.  To prepare for this I made some popcorn.  Instead of buying the expensive bag of microwaveable popcorn, I buy a bag of kernels.  Cheap, easy, and healthy.  
Get a paper lunch bag and fill with 1/4 cup of kernels, 1 tablespoon olive oil, and salt.  Fold bag at top to seal, and pop in microwave for 2-3 minutes depending on your microwave.  

Boiled crawfish, shrimp, sausage, corn, and mushrooms!!! 

Exercise of the day:  5 burpees, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats as many rounds possible in 20 minutes.